KW Young Professionals Division: Realtor Safety Presented by Angela Rose

Angela Rose Realtor Safety

Watching the webinar from my desk.

Recently, leaders in the KW Young Professionals Division (KWYP) Current Events Committee set a plan in motion to raise awareness and provide safety tips for real estate agents. The first deliverable: a live webinar.

Angela Rose

Yesterday, Angela Rose, the team leader of the Keller Williams Realty market center in Arlington, VA, addressed KWYP members about this hot topic that is also close to Angela’s heart. When Angela was 17 years old, she was kidnapped leaving the shopping mall where she worked in broad daylight. Focused not only on her survival but intent that she would play an integral role in authorities finding her kidnapper, Angela not only survived the kidnapping but has used the experience to help others. Today, Angela is responsible for a nonprofit, Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment (PAVE) whose mission is use education and action to shatter the silence of sexual violence through targeted social, educational, and legislative tactics. She is also the strong, loud, and clear voice of victims in media sources such as HLN and CBS.

Realtor Safety Webinar

Angela started the webinar by reminding young professionals that realtor safety has always been an important topic but is heightened with three recent events of real estate agents being murdered, sexually assaulted, and physically beaten during the past few months. Don’t live in fear but be mindful of keeping our colleagues safe. She challenged all young professionals to be the voice of safety in their market centers.

While sharing her kidnapping story, Angela explained her personal survival tips. It all started with her mindset, the only thing she had control over. She promised herself that if she survived, the kidnapper would go behind bars. She made herself very personal to the kidnapper. She told him a fake name and continued to talk about how her parents would be looking for her. She also explained to always trust your gut instinct, if your internal alarms are blazing, there is a reason.

Angela shared practical realtor safety tips. She is holding a Realtor Safety Stand Down in her community complete with self defense demonstrations and best practices for real estate offices. Keller Williams Realty always emphasizes meeting first time clients at the real estate office. Angela added, ask each new client to complete the prospect ID form offered to NAR members and to get a copy of a driver’s license when meeting clients for the first time.

Each office should have two code words for distress so that a real estate agent can call the office when alone with clients for help. The first word indicates that someone from the office should come to the location to check out the situation, the second word is to immediately call the police. She reminded the young professionals that it is OK to call 911, there are no fines. You would rather create an uncomfortable situation or lose a client than lose your life. Don’t underestimate the power of the buddy system!

Many crimes are committed during open houses increasing the risk of danger. When conducting an open house, make sure to lock all doors except for the front door. Attackers have been known to slip out back or side doors to wait for an open house to conclude. Ask all visitors to sign the registry, this is more about safety for the seller and you than it is about business. Remind the seller to lock away jewelry, valuables, and prescription medications.

Angela mentioned the hot debate of real estate agents carrying pepper spray or another weapon. She personally has carried a miniature pepper spray and spent a considerable amount of time practicing so she would know what to do if in a dangerous situation. She said practice is the key. Don’t let your weapon be used against you!

Angela recommended leveraging technology to stay safe. Her favorite safety apps: WatchovermeBSafe, ReactMobile, OnWatch.

Angela concluded by thanking these future Keller Williams leaders who have the incredible opportunity of making a difference by setting standards of realtor safety in offices across the nation. She parted with a quote from Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!”

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