KW Young Professionals: Leadership with President John Davis

A primary goal for KW Young Professionals (KWYP) is to build the future leaders of Keller Williams Realty (KW).  As (KWYP) chapters begin to pop up across the nation, we are so proud of the chapter presidents who have been selected by their KW regions to lead locally. This week, KW President John Davis jumped on a call with the chapter presidents to share his tips on growth and leadership. John is practically a young professional himself, leading the world’s largest real estate company while still in his 40s. Growth happens to be his area of expertise, establishing the Growth Initiative that is credited for KW’s growth explosion from 2012 to today. He is one of the reasons we are #1 and just begun!

Here’s what John had to say:

Oftentimes, young leaders resort to sales tactics when gaining commitment or buy-in. John recommends clearly stating a vision of what the end result will look like when a project is accomplished. Don’t sell! … a clearly communicated vision will attract the right people. At KW, we focus on activities that lead to results. John suggests that the activity chapter leaders should focus on is communicating the vision as often as possible. Repeat, measure, report back — the vision does the work for you!

As agents and leaders, it is important to build momentum in the fourth quarter that will result in success for the new year. What chapter leaders are building now is simply a launching pad for 2016. There are a lot of events during the holiday season. Instead of holding conflicting events, bring the core group of stakeholders to other events. Engage in others’ events with energy. This will attract like-minded, enthusiastic leaders to you and your vision. It’s the law of reciprocity.

Young leaders are constantly asking how to prove themselves. John’s words of wisdom: “Show up with a champion’s mindset!” Champions show up ready to go. They come from contribution, asking how they can help. Great leaders are always helping. A good leader is measured on how their people get better. Energy is key to creating a high energy environment. Protect and refuel your energy. Seriously contemplate who you are hanging out with, what you are eating, what you are reading. Make good choices that lead to protecting and fueling your energy.

Great advice from a young leader with endless energy!




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