Tapping Top Talent

Josh Team

Holly Priestner with Keller Williams Realty Chief Innovation Officer Josh Team and His Wife Tara

Who has the deepest talent bench in all of Keller Williams? Gary Keller! As business owners, Gary believes that ALL of us are in the talent business and attracting talent is BIG business. As active sourcing becomes a considerable business trend, it’s important to stay focused on attracting top talent!

Positioning Yourself to Attract Top Talent

Your brand as an employer is more important than ever as millennials take the workforce by storm. Approximately 60 percent of candidates are considering your brand and reputation before even applying for a job and more than 90 percent of job seekers are attracted to you by what you are sharing about your company, culture and success.

The good news is that KW is winning on culture and success! Combining the KW story with what differentiates your real estate business allows you to brand yourself as a top workplace in your market.

“Talent is attracted to businesses that are growing and successful. It doesn’t matter if you are a mega agent closing $100 million a year or a new agent making your first hire, leveraging the growth and success of KW provides you with a solid message to attract talent,” says Holly Priestner, Director of Talent Acquisition for Keller Williams Realty International (KWRI). “The fact that our company culture is built on a foundation of succeeding through others, has a strong mission and vision, and places an emphasis on serving others positions us even more strongly to attract top talent.”

Holly relies on the KW trend report and highlights from recent cultural activities as talent conversation starters. “When you show a smart person motivated by success how much our company has grown during the Growth Initiative, how we continue to break our own records and outpace the industry, they want to be a part of that magic. This is YOUR magic too!” she says.

Holly shares how using KW’s success and culture scored a hot recruit, KWRI’s first Chief Innovation Officer, Josh Team. “Josh was on a list that Chris (Heller) shared with me – Business Insider’s 30 Under 30. Chris said, ‘I want someone on this list.’ I knew I had two challenges ahead of me, actually getting into contact with someone on the list and telling our company’s story in a way that would capture him or her.”

CEO Chris Heller adds, “Toward the end of the recruiting process, before we’d made an offer, Josh said he couldn’t wait to join our family. He understood from the very first conversation he and Holly had exactly who we are and where we are going.”

Share Your Story

You have a story. Where do you share it? Of course you are a walking, talking commercial for your brand, but there are other outlets that can make a powerful impact.

Your digital presence is more important than ever. Most online talent searches are mobile (an estimated 60-90 percent). Leveraging your existing social media channels is critical and you can take it to the next level by using platforms like Indeed to attract talent.

“Your message has to be available where talent is looking and your process has to be mobile-friendly. Building a presence on Indeed gives you the ‘real estate’ to be in front of talent while ensuring you are competitive in the world of mobile,” Holly says.

Job seekers expect to find you online and apply for positions online – all from their mobile phone. Don’t be intimidated by talent platforms. Embrace them! In addition to attracting your new big hire, you are also reinforcing your position as a real estate company of choice in your local market.

You’re Already a Pro

Think about it this way, you already have strong business foundations because you have been following the models and systems in Gary Keller’s The Millionaire Real Estate Agent. Applying the same concepts you are using to work with buyers and sellers translate seamlessly to attracting top talent.

How so?

  • Asking questions leads to clarity on how your business can alleviate pain or align with their dreams.
  • Developing talent scripts tells a story of why talent wants to be in business with you.
  • You have to lead generate for talent.
  • You add talent to your database by building a moat around them and sending touches to them over time.
  • By focusing on accountability. Use a talent buddy as an accountability partner or like-minded professionals to help you meet your talent goals!

The concept of a talent bench might seem intimidating but that’s what the top real estate teams do and the payoff is huge. The ongoing cultivation of the relationship builds a strong bond. Having the right person to slot onto the team the minute the need arises is invaluable. Just like with your clients, patience is the key. Holly notes that it is not uncommon for a key KWRI hire to be on the bench for two years – cultivation pays off!

KWRI department heads are purposeful about serving as each other’s accountability partners when it comes to building talent benches.

“Our department leaders at KWRI gather for talent conversations every month,” she says, “No one succeeds alone and that is true when it comes to talent too.”

What happens during a talent conversation?

  • Tell the universe WHO you are looking for.
  • Share questions that you use to do the “heavy lifting” when meeting potential talent.
  • Identify rising stars who are ready for bigger opportunities.
  • Practice scripts.
  • Most importantly, set a goal and be accountable to how many people are on your talent bench.

Think in abundance and not in scarcity. Don’t be afraid to share talent! (Holly has referred numerous recruits to KW market centers and agents.) Creating an opportunity for talented people within KW makes the entire company stronger, generates goodwill for your future talent referrals and grows your down line. 

Tapping Top Talent

According to Holly, “We’re lucky! Keller Williams perfectly positions us to attract top talent. Culture and people are the heart of our business, which is important to today’s job seeker. Career Visioning and the KPA provide the tools to recruit and retain top talent. Our models and systems ensure we grow as our talent grows. It’s up to us to dig in and make the models and systems work for us to attract the best.”

Learn the fundamentals of building your brand to position yourself as a “Best Place to Work,” identify how you provide value that attracts top talent, discover where to look for top talent and create conversations that leave talent wanting more! Register for Tapping Top Talent, a new KW MAPS Group Coaching course that starts in July 2016!

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