We all have the moment when we want to be all things to all people. Being all things does not result in achieving big goals. What distinguishes you as an expert who can provide value above anyone else? Thanks to Kasey Mock of KW Farm and Ranch for sitting down with the KW Young Professionals Division to discuss building and clearly communicating one’s unique value proposition. Here’s a brief recap:
Establish Yourself at the Lead of the Pack
As young professionals, you are professional networkers. You usually have two minutes or less to make a lasting impression. How do you establish yourself at the lead of the pack? Define your unique promise of value — briefly explain what you do that your competitors do not.
Your unique value proposition is not about being valuable, it is about being unique. It is showing that you are a specialist at something, not all encompassing. It is not about being faster, cheaper, better — it articulates something unique or specific if it is to be effective.
Your unique value proposition is not about being valuable, it is about being unique. It is showing that you are a specialist at something, not all encompassing.
Mock referenced page 94 in Gary Keller’s bestselling book, The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, highlighting important points about one’s unique value proposition:
- Top agents can easily explain what services they provide to anyone who hires them. (Mock added, “Quickly explains!”)
- Your unique value proposition should be the basis for everything you do, driving every message to both clients and prospects.
- Everyone you do business with and everyone you encounter should know your message.
- It’s important for vendors to know what is important to you as a business person so they can best serve your clients and send you talent.
- Customers must know your unique value proposition. After all, why else would they be in business with you?
Great companies are consistent in messaging their unique value proposition across all mediums. Are you consistent on your website, in your marketing materials, through your social media messages? Mock mentioned a few companies that do this well including Under Armor, Cabelas and Whataburger.
It doesn’t matter if you are new to real estate or a tenured veteran, you have something of unique value to offer to the seller. Regardless of experience, you are worth every dollar of your commission. Commission rates are a non-negotiable, you are paid for your best effort. Remember, you are not paid for the number of transactions you have closed, you are paid for your unique value proposition.
Think about your future. At Keller Williams Realty, you are not just a real estate agent, you are a business owner. Establishing a strong value proposition makes you attractive in the marketplace AND to potential talent who might join your team in the future.
Three Components of a Unique Value Proposition
So, how do you build a unique value proposition? Mock explained three components, simplifying the process:
#1 What is your Big Why?
What is your mission, vision, values, beliefs and purpose? Why do you want to accomplish your goals? How do you set standards for education and business? If you are not sincere in business or passionate about helping others — you are in the wrong business.
#2 What areas have you mastered?
The path of mastery is a combination of the best you can do it and the best it can be done. It is not about intellectual knowledge, it is about doing the task the best with determination and grit. Think big, go small, master one thing at a time and build from that.
#3 Share your success stories!
Use your personal stories of success or the stories of happy clients. Ask for referrals or endorsements. Track your numbers and be prepared to communicate the data. Have you been featured as a leader or a presenter at a Keller Williams event? What a great visual to use!
Commitment to Deliver
How can you uphold the promise to live your unique value proposition every day? Wake up each day with a burning fear that someone is trying to quash your success. You are fighting to uphold what distinguishes you as the leader of the pack!